Yoga for Beginners - Lucy Young

Yoga for Beginners

By Lucy Young

  • Release Date: 2012-12-02
  • Genre: Spirituality


Yoga for Beginners introduces Yoga to the novice.
Today’s world is full of options for keeping in shape. People turn to yoga for many reasons. These range from managing stress to preventing health issues. Yoga is used to help heal the body from addictions. There are also those who decide to do yoga simply because it is “trendy.” They attend yoga classes in yoga studios because a celebrity chooses to endorse it. There is also the lure of achieving a “yoga body.” 
Learn about the different types of yoga and the poses that will work best for you.
Discover where to find the best yoga equipment and the effectiveness of the various exercises.
Also covered are subjects such as finding a yoga instructor and how to dress for yoga success!