A Tale of Two Pretties - Lisi Harrison

A Tale of Two Pretties

By Lisi Harrison

  • Release Date: 2011-02-15
  • Genre: Fiction for Young Adults
Score: 4.5
From 224 Ratings


Massie Block has long led the Pretty Committee--through boy drama, clique mutinies, and jealous wannabe attacks--while always in ah-dorable outfits. Over the past thirteen novels, avid fans of Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristin, and Claire, have made The Clique one of the premier bestselling series in the world. After the myriad of juicy escapades, the Clique is finally ready for their curtain call.

The Clique . . . the only thing harder than getting in is saying goodbye.


  • Best book ever!

    By Bff with sara
    This is the best book that I have ever read! I literally cried in the end, and I am a total bookworm so I know the good stuff. I would love to meet Lisi Harrison in person and hug her and tell her how good her book is.
  • The Pretty Committee FOREVER!!!!

    By <3 me:-)
    This series of books are the best! I wish that there was more but it is ok and I understand why Lisi Harrison couldn't write more. This series of books taught me about fashion;) and friendship. I will miss the PC FOREVER!!!! -Jill
  • Best. Book. Series. Ever!

    By Dina501
    Omg! I literally cried at the ending, because I NEED THE SERIES TO GO ON!!!! Its life changing! Please, I wish the series would go on! The series gave me inparation! I love it sooo much!

    By Belensilva4206
    omg!!! they so cant be over ..i used2 b so dumb cuz i used 2 never read books i was lik such a rebel,yet lisi harrison was the first author 2 make me pick up a book and read all of it evn though i wuz called a bookworm by my freinds i couldnt put any book frm the series down ...they are addicting...i officialy g2 have no life now^.^
  • Puh-lease make more!

    By FL_Gator_Gal
    I'm so happy there's an actual PUBLISHED writer that writes books like I do! I'm not published, but I do write books in my free time and I love the "Kuh-Laire"s and the "puh-lease"s and the "Ah-mazing"s! Love em! PUH-LEASE make moreeee!!!
  • The Tears are Here :

    By kad130
    As I was reading I couldn't stop crying. But I know that the story must end, and the Clique will go on. The second movie is in production and Yishan Li is at work adapting Best Friends Forever to Manga
  • Ehmagawd!

    By Pugette
    Eh. Ma. Gawd. This book... I can't even... Written so perfectly, so absoloutly perfectly, I cannot even.... It is one of the most ah-mazing book I've ever read. And I've read a LOT of books. I cried so hard at the end. I don't even know what to write. I am just so speechless, so shocked, at what a perfect yet devastating ending. Lisi Harrison, you are ah-mazing. I think I speak for all your readers when I say, We heart you! Keep the ah-mazing novels coming! Never has the last book in any series not only satisfied me, but touched me and had me crying my eyes out. Until now. The Clique books... I will never, ever, EVER forget them! As I read the last sentence in the last book, I turned the page and found a blank one looking back at me. I stared at hard, hoping more words would appear. Not because I didn't like the ending. No, I toe-dally hearted the ending. It was because I couldn't bear the thought of The Clique being over. These books, as you read them you might think they are good, but not great. It's when you get to the last novel that you realize exactly how ah-mazing these books truely are. The last book is so touching, so perfect, so sad, and it ties the whole series together. It's an ah-mazing read, and I give it a total 10!!! I remeber when I first saw The Clique books in my school libary. I picked up the Summer Edition: Massie, and read the back. I put it back. Snobby girls' lives aren't my usual read. I left with a different book. But everytime I went into the school library I saw it, tempting me from the shelf. So I picked it up. And loved every page. After I finised it, I thought to myself, Well, I better start at the begining. So I picked up The Clique, and I was hooked. I read every book, and it lead me here. To the last one, the brilliant ending to a perfect book. To a perfect series. I heart you, Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire. And hats off to you, Lisi Harrison.
  • Ah-ma-zing

    By GameReview(Adventure,game)1.5
    Best series EVEH
  • Ah-mazing

    I loved the series and i cant believe the ending WOW anyways cant wait to read about Massie in England 😜
  • Ah-mazing!

    By taplover21
    Hawnestly, this HAS to be the best book of the entire series! Please, Lisi Harrison, make more!