Death Ever Nigh - Jared Wynn

Death Ever Nigh

By Jared Wynn

  • Release Date: 2022-03-23
  • Genre: Horror, Monsters & Ghosts


Katie McGuire's first death wasn't as bad as she thought it would be; getting up the next day was way more painful than the actual dying part. But it would really suck if she were to die a second time, because there would be no getting up from that one.  

So it would be great if everybody could just stop trying to kill her and let her get on with the rest of her afterlife already. Instead, a preacher's widow is lobbying to have her rights cancelled, a gang of moralizing zealots is stalking her, and Trenton's clan has brought in a legendary Vampire hunter from the Dark Ages to silence her forever. Oh, and Benny is dying, and keeping him alive may be the key to curing her own condition - if she can stick around long enough.

But unfortunately for Katie, Death is Ever Nigh.