Her Secret Rio Baby - Luana DaRosa

Her Secret Rio Baby

By Luana DaRosa

  • Release Date: 2022-08-23
  • Genre: Romance


When one night of passion in Rio de Janeiro leads to a life-changing consequence, find out what the surgeon does next in the latest Harlequin Medical Romance novel from Luana DaRosa.

An impulsive night of passion…
A life-changing consequence!

The night surgeon Eliana Oliveira met Diego Ferrari, he was just a handsome stranger in a bar in Rio de Janeiro. And acting on their instant attraction was the perfect escape from the shock of inheriting a whole hospital from her estranged late father. Now, on her first day at Santa Valeria General, she’s in for two shocking discoveries: first, coming face-to-face with Diego in the operating room, and second, that she’s expecting his baby!

From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.