Hot Mess - Amy Andrews

Hot Mess

By Amy Andrews

  • Release Date: 2017-05-22
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 228 Ratings


"I never thought I'd get a second chance at a first time with you."
Firefighter Logan Knight thinks it's fate when he meets Arabella Tucker again, nine years after their brief, intense relationship ended. Until he realizes that Bella doesn't recognize him and all of their memories together are completely erased from her memory.

Bella may be oblivious to their history but she can’t deny their scorching chemistry and the possibility of a future with the mystery man from her past. Logan wants a future too, but he can’t go there until Bella knows everything they shared. Her parents, though, want to protect her from the emotional cost of old memories and so Logan is reluctantly persuaded to let the past lie. 
But when Bella starts to uncover the truth, she is shocked by the revelations. Can she move beyond the hurt of her shared history with Logan and begin their new story?


  • Sad and sexy!

    By sbsbrinson
    Logan and Bella is a very sad love story with tragic parts. However, when Logan sees her sitting outside the firehouse, he can’t not chase after her. It’s been nine years and he still yearns for her. Read their story of love and redemption! Weep, laugh, and celebrate with them.
  • Love me a fire fighter story!

    By Hope in Gulfport
    No grammar errors. Easy bedtime read. Sex is not gross or nasty. Lovingly written.
  • Very emotional!

    By ~Mindy Lou~
    I wasn't expecting this to be so emotional and heartbreaking. A very beautiful read about a young couple who dived in head first only to be ripped apart by tragedy. Years later and the hits keep coming and yet they have another chance. It's such a delicate line they walk but also a beautiful story told. If you're looking for a more emotional story that shows the depth of a love that beats all odds, this is the perfect book! ARC provided by NetGalley.
  • Second Chance Romance

    By SBart79
    A second chance romance between Logan and Arabella, but the only problem is Arabella does not remember the first the time . A scorching hot chemistry between the two but can they go forward with out Arabella remembering the past. Her parents want the past to remain history but Logan wants to move forward. Loved this story of a rekindled romance. Great job with the amnesia of Arabella. Very likable characters, Once the truth came out, I was just rooting for Logan and Arabella to succeed in their relationship. Looking forward to reading the rest of this series. I highly recommend this book by Amy Andrews.
  • Exquisite!

    By Astroyic
    Holy Hotness! I Loved this exhilarating, exquisite, romance! Amy Andrews you are the bomb! I feel blown away! Honestly, I can't say enough good things about this story. Emotional, intense connection, and off the charts, chemistry and heat. I started and finished this in one sitting. I loved every word and I couldn't put it down. You'll fall into the pages of Hot Mess and you'll only pop back into reality when you realize you've forgotten to breath. I felt like my emotions were going to spill over while I was reading and by the end my heart was bursting. When you combine romance with a unique and totally different storyline, stunningly beautiful, as well as tantalizing descriptive, and characters that completely captivate you, you have a must read book. Don't miss out on this story get your copy now! Highly Recommended! Received a ARC through NetGalley and the publisher and I voluntarily wrote an honest review.