Patchouli Showers * Tantric Temples - Sunny Jetsun

Patchouli Showers * Tantric Temples

By Sunny Jetsun

  • Release Date: 2015-08-25
  • Genre: Erotica


Inside Us Is Synchronistic Universality

The unknowable dark energy Cosmic Space from which the unmanifest becomes manifest; Unconcealed truth Unconditional Love is vibrating everywhere witnessing consciousness ~ SHIVA*SHAKTI Worlds continuously ever changing ~ collapsing into nothingness. Each particle through YOU * in you continuous in its original flow of NATURE. The Unknowable Divine creation principle is Alive everywhere in impermanence. Mind is being in tune ~ more concentrated, free of Attachment knowing existence; The Illusionary of a preconceived Permanent Ego*Mind duality! Observing subtler sensations*energies ~ continuously channelling the poetry of No Time*Space not of the limitation that names things and so negates all other experiences of Creation which is our birthright and so embeds us in the patterns of a Matrix of history, order and personality!

We’ve lost the innate sense of Zero*Space, becoming separated from our Human Spirit! Defining reality through our five senses we comprehend a 3D Holograph which is full of ‘Things’ Mental-Formations, Karmic fields, Prisons of Polarities, Species’ Zoos & jungles. ‘Fractal’s chaotic mind holds pattern recognition of THINGS*Contact BECOMES TIME’ ‘ALL ENERGY in the UNIVERSE IS TIMELESS*DIMENSIONLESS IMPERMANENT’ This is an Alive rearrangement of the ‘Nature Morte’ Inherent in a THINKING/MIND! Abstract art into a deeper fractal of abstraction expressing the momentary*here*now ~ Sunny Jetsun allows his Present stream of consciousness to continue creatively flowing.